Monday 30 March 2009

Bad Music Comment

Comment responding to Jordon Smith's bad music blog

I agree with what you are saying, last week I heard on the radio that parents are banning their children/teenagers from looking up the word 'emo' on the Internet because of the dangers, and after reading your blog I had a look at The Daily Mail's story on the teenage girl who killed herself and find it appalling. Ever since the word 'emo' came around there has been nothing but bad press about it,
I wouldn't consider myself emo just because I wear black skinny jeans, have a side fringe and listen to what I think is amazing music. I listen to alternative rock and I guess some of what I listen to would fall into the category 'emo' but I don't go around promoting suicide and self harm, The Daily Mail says "Emo fans wear dark clothes, practice self-harm and listen to "suicide cult" rock bands." Apparently a suicide cult rock band is My Chemical Romance, I have been listening to that band for about five years, so they were a big part of my teenage years and I can say I have never thought of them as a suicide cult rock band, it's just good music. I think the meaning of the word 'emo' has just been taken too far, if anything emo kids are the victims in all this, you usually see on the news that someone has been beaten up or killed for wearing 'emo' clothes or listening to emo music! I almost always hear people having a dig at emo's by calling them "grebo's" or telling the guys to get there hair cut!! It's not like every person around who is listening to My Chemical Romance is committing suicide, and just because one girl does all of a sudden they are a suicide cult, it's ridicules. I guess the 'emo fashion' has become abit of a trend over the past couple of years, but people can't be so closed minded anymore, too many people judge before even knowing what a person is like and just because someone dresses a certain way and likes to listen to rock music doesn't mean they are a depressive emo kid that takes every word literally in a song and kills themselves.

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