Sunday 12 April 2009


I recently watched a programme called 'The Truth About Online Anorexia', I have watched programmes about anorexia before so I already know about the pro-ana sites, I went to look at a few pro-ana sites and they are awful. Giving people tips on how to get thinner by eating little or no food, and how to take your mind off wanting something to eat. I myself could never go without eating, I love to eat, and I don't understand why or how someone would want to put themselves through this sort of 'torture'. I think celebrities have a lot to do with why so many girls and boys want to be thin, all the female celebrities on the red carpet are so small and skinny, it gives the impression you have to look like that to be amazing, and young people are drawn to that. It doesn't help that models have to be a certain size, I remember reading in a magazine a few weeks ago about how Karolina Kurkova, a model, was blasted for being "too fat" when she walked down a catwalk in a bikini, critics said she had back fat, love handles and cellulite! Every magazine I read there is always something in it that is criticizing "bad" things about celebrities, maybe for having abit of stomach fat or for wearing no make-up or having chipped nail polish! The media push these image's of perfection that half the time are probably photo shopped, it's no wonder people have disorders like anorexia with the type of world we live in.

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